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Why Barcelona Won’t Sack Me –Xavi

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Barcelona manager, Xavi Hernandez, has disclosed that he's confident the management won't sack him despite the team's exit from the Champions League.

Xavi replaced Ronald Koeman one year ago and was given over €150 million to spend on transfers in the summer.

Robert Lewandowski, Jules Kounde and Raphinha were some of the players he brought in, only to see the team fail in Europe once again.

However, Xavi insists there are enough reasons for Barca to be optimistic.

“There is complete confidence in the project. The expectations are high and it’s not what we hoped for, going out of the Champions League.

“There are no doubts results will come. I have the confidence of the president [Joan Laporta], the board and [directors of football] Mateu [Alemany] and Jordi [Cruyff].

“There is nothing for it but to keep working hard,” Xavi said in a news conference on Friday.


The post Why Barcelona Won’t Sack Me –Xavi appeared first on Complete Sports.


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