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Haaland: Many Doubted My Goal Scoring Prowess After Community Shield Loss

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Erling Haaland has insisted that there were doubt on his ability to score goals after his poor performance against Liverpool in the Community Shield.


Many questioned Haaland after a disappointing performance in the Community Shield defeat to Liverpool.

He told ViaPlay, "To be honest, I think it was good that I missed those chances, to be reminded that you can't be 99 percent. One must be 100 percent. I think it was a good thing, so I was even more sharp in the week after.

"No, I didn't think about the number of goals. I was the biggest flop after I missed open goal against Liverpool, and yes ... that's no problem.

"People who said I wasn't going to do it might say it to get attention, but what can you do? You can't care what people think and say, because you can't control it.

"I knew I would fit in and I'm not surprised."

The post Haaland: Many Doubted My Goal Scoring Prowess After Community Shield Loss appeared first on Complete Sports.


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