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Martinez Would Be Ideal Signing For Man United –Sharpe

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Former Manchester United winger, Lee Sharpe, believes that Argentina goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez would be an ideal buy for the Red Devils following his heroics at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

Martinez has built up a reputation after being the hero of two penalty shootouts at the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup and also winning the Golden Glove award.

Sharpe believes that the Aston Villa shot-stopper is a very good goalkeeper.

"You've got to remember that all goalkeepers are a bit different to most people -playing a different position, with different pressures, and he's played in one of the biggest games in the world and maybe overreacted a bit but I wouldn't take away from what he's done or what he's achieved," Sharpe told NewCasinoUK.

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"I think he's saved more penalties at a World Cup than anybody, had a really good World Cup and I think he's a really good keeper and I think he will be good for United.

"I know there are question marks over De Gea so maybe he would be decent to come in and we certainly know that he can cope under pressure."

Martinez played all seven matches for Argentina at Qatar 2022. He has made 15 Premier League appearances for Aston Villa so far this season.

Argentina were crowned champions at Qatar 2022 after a thrilling final match that ended 3-3 in regulation time which then proceeded to a 4-2 penalty shootout victory over France on December 18 at the Lusail Iconic Stadium.

By Toju Sote



The post Martinez Would Be Ideal Signing For Man United –Sharpe appeared first on Complete Sports.


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