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Nenci: I’m Delighted Kepa Has Retain His Number One Spot

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Former Chelsea goalkeeper coach Massimo Nenci has revealed that he's happy to see Kepa Arrizabalaga retain his position as number goalkeeper with the club.

Recall that Nenci backed the signing of Kepa from Athletic Bilbao with then manager Maurizio Sarri.

Now with Lazio, Nenci told Daily Mail: "He struggled a lot because Lampard didn't have any confidence in him. He didn't believe in him and Kepa was not so strong [mentally].

"I talked with him every day and told him 'Kepa, don't worry. Don't worry. Stay strong and work hard every day'. I supported him and he's a very good guy, he had to work hard to come back stronger than ever.

"Now he's back, now he's back for me. Kepa had to work very, very hard in these years and now his level is very high again.

"For me Kepa is back to the same goalkeeper we saw four years ago. He's better because he has more experience and now if he goes through a difficult [moment] he knows he can get out of the difficult [moment]. So for me now he's better.

"He's stronger now."

The post Nenci: I’m Delighted Kepa Has Retain His Number One Spot appeared first on Complete Sports.


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