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Haaland Under Police Investigation

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Manchester City striker, Erling Haaland, is under investigation by Greater Manchester Police, GMP, for appearing to use his mobile phone while driving.

A video of the 22-year-old appearing to use the device while driving a £300, 000 Rolls Royce has emerged on social media.

The incident is believed to have happened on Wednesday, March 15, the day after the footballer scored five goals in City’s 7-0 victory against RB Leipzig in the Champions League.

A spokesperson for GMP said, “I can confirm that GMP is aware of the image and is investigating.”

Haaland could be fined £200 and receive six penalty points if found guilty. His driving licence could also be revoked if it was obtained within the last two years.

The post Haaland Under Police Investigation appeared first on Complete Sports.


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