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Rivers United Get CAF Confederation Cup Quarter-Final Foe April 5

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Nigerian champions Rivers United will know their opponent in the quarter-final stage of the CAF Confederation Cup on Wednesday, April 5.

The draw ceremony is billed for the headquarters of the Confederation of African Football.

Rivers United sealed their place in the last eight after a 2-2 home draw against Congolese outfit, Diable Noirs.

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Stanley Eguma's side will take on ASEC Mimosa of Cote d'Ivoire in a dead rubber clash this weekend.

The other qualified teams are: ASFAR Club (Morocco), US Monastir (Tunisia), Asec Mimosas (Côte d’Ivoire), Marumo Gallants (South Africa), Young Africans (Tanzania), Pyramids FC (Egypt) or Future FC (Egypt), Al Akhdar SC (Libya) or FC Saint Éloi Lupopo (DR Congo) or USM Alger (Algeria).

Rivera United are looking to become the first Nigerian club to win the CAF Confederation Cup.

The post Rivers United Get CAF Confederation Cup Quarter-Final Foe April 5 appeared first on Complete Sports.


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